The History of NeMTSS

NeMTSS grew out of a combination of federal policy and state-driven efforts to improve the achievement of students with attention to students with disabilities.


Response to Intervention (RtI) was first mentioned in IDEA. The concept of using a RtI/Multi-Tiered System of Support approach originated as an alternative to the “discrepancy formula” for identifying students with specific learning disabilities.


The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) moved to a new accountability framework for special education known as results driven accountability (RDA).


  • The NDE Office of Special Education, with stakeholder input, identified MTSS/RtI as a sound, logical, coherent strategy that is aligned with the continuous improvement efforts of the state.
  • Each state was required to develop a SSIP and use data to identify gaps in student performance, analyze state systems and then implement targeted, evidence-based-reforms to address the gaps.
  • ESSA replaced NCLB, which allows states to focus on support for schools to help them better serve their students. For schools in Nebraska, AQuESTT was developed to provide educational equity for their students.


Nebraska created a new MTSS framework that integrated PBiS and the RtI model in the NeMTSS framework.


The Office of SPED established the focus of the SSIP to: Increase the use of EBPs; Develop and implement a comprehensive MTSS framework; Align resources and programs within the state.


Nebraska began creating the NeMTSS Framework 2023 version with a focus on coherence and clarity.


Nebraska released the NeMTSS Framework 2023.

If we want different results, the system needs to change.

Resolving Misconceptions

There are many misconceptions of RtI and MTSS, both nationally and in Nebraska. It is essential to have a clear and concise understanding of both. To alleviate some misconceptions:

  • Response to Intervention (RtI) is in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), but it is NOT only the work of Special Education.
  • RtI and MTSS are NOT the same thing. Within the Layered Continuum of Support of an NeMTSS Framework, we use progress monitoring to determine if a student is responding to interventions.
  • RtI goes beyond academic support. Considering the needs of the whole child, educators need to provide academic, social, emotional, behavioral, physical and environmental support.
  • Special Education is NOT Tier 3 Intensified Support.