The Nebraska MTSS Self-Assessment is a process data tool based on the NeMTSS Framework’s Essential Elements to drive continuous improvement efforts within school districts. These Essential Elements were chosen based on extensive evidence and research across the country and selected based on feedback from educators across the state.
The NeMTSS Self-Assessment allows leadership teams to analyze results and improve system implementation as part of their continuous improvement efforts. The tool’s purpose is to identify areas of strength and growth when implementing the NeMTSS Essential Elements. It is suggested that the NeMTSS Self-Assessment is administered each year, allowing districts and schools to utilize the results in their continuous improvement efforts. For more information about process data, visit the NeMTSS Framework Document, Appendix B.
Any district or school may use the NeMTSS Self-Assessment, but please connect with a member of your Regional Support Team for additional guidance.
Digital Version
A digital version of the self-assessment is available and includes aggregated data including charts and graphs to help you determine patterns of strength and areas for improvement.
If you will be administering the self-assessment among teams or groups and would like to access the digital version, please contact your Regional Support Lead.