Tier 1
Social, emotional, and behavioral prevention, instruction, and response for ALL
Tier 1 support is what adults do to meet the social, emotional and behavioral needs of all students. Together, school staff members and stakeholders use the NeMTSS Essential Elements to build inclusive, equitable universal (core) prevention, instruction, and response systems to be implemented by all adults school-wide and in the classroom.
The focus of Tier 1: School-Wide Training is to build CORE social, emtional, behavioral systems by:
- Forging relationships.
- Establishing and organizing the team.
- Involving all stakeholders in the process.
- Defining school-wide expectations.
- Teaching school-wide expectations.
- Acknowledging students, staff members and stakeholders.
- Engaging in systematic supervision.
- Establishing an instructional response systems.
- Analyzing and problem-solving data.
- Providing professional development.
The focus of Tier 1: Classroom Training is:
- Forging relationships with students and parents.
- Designing the classroom arrangement for engagement, supervision and efficiency.
- Establishing classroom expectations and procedures.
- Teaching classroom expectations and procedures.
- Creating strategies to acknowledge desired behavior.
- Considering instruction, engagement, differentiation and activity type/difficulty.
- Providing prompts and precorrects.
- Responding instructionally to problem behavior.
- Collecting and analyzing classroom-level data.
- Involving students and parents in classroom activities and instruction.
Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI)
School teams use the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) to monitor progress and assess fidelity of implementation of the core features of NPBIS. The TFI includes three separate surveys, one for assessing each tier, which school teams can use separately or in combination with one another. Schools at every stage of implementation may use the TFI to assess any tier.
Self-Assemssment Survey (SAS)
In Nebraska, the Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) is typically taken in the spring by all staff and provides valuable information on the progress of NPBIS implementation for schools. Results of both the TFI and SAS are used to plan and develop goals for the coming year.
School teams analyze social, emotional, behavioral and academic outcome data, as well as climate and culture data, to ensure students are experiencing a high level of success.
NE Training Materials:
- NE Tier 1: School-wide Workbook
- NE Tier 1: School-Wide Slide Deck
- Tiered Fidelity Inventory
- Tiered Fidelity Inventory
- Kick-off Checklist
Forging Relationships:
Establishing the team:
- Working Smarter Matrix- Blank
- NPBIS Team Meeting Agenda
- Team Initiated Problem Solving Overview and Demo Notes
Involving Stakeholders in the Process:
- PBIS at Home for Families
- Example QR Code to Vote on School-wide Expectations- Walthill Public School
Defining School-wide Expectations:
- Blank SEBL Matrix
- Behavior Matrix- Lake/ Osgood Schools
- Behavior Expectations- Bruning Davenport Unified School District
- Teaching Social Emotional Competencies in a PBIS Framework- Barrett, et al.
- Assessing Equity in Expectations
Teaching School-wide Expectations:
- Blank Lesson Plan Template
- Lawrence Nelson Public Schools PBIS Handbook- Lesson Plans
- Hastings Middle School Tiger Way Lesson
Acknowledging School-wide Expectations:
- A Nested K-8 Reinforcement System- Sprague & Golly
- Reinforcement Ideas- Laura Riffel
- High School Acknowledgement Systems- Flannery, et al.
Engaging in Systematic Supervision:
Responding to Problem Behavior:
Analyzing and Problem-Solving Data: