NeMTSS must be a joint problem-solving effort. All stakeholders must work together to foster a culture of collaboration and shared leadership.
Shared leadership and a culture of collaboration are essential to the success of the NeMTSS framework. This is not a process led by special education, nor is it led by general education. It is a joint effort of problem-solving on behalf of districts, schools, classrooms and students.
Districts must have an effective leadership team, as well as school-level support teams. These teams allocate resources and develop a plan for NeMTSS implementation.
Potential teams include:
- District leadership teams
- School-level support teams
- Classroom/student-level support teams
Shared Leadership
Why it’s Essential
When a district has a system for shared leadership, these teams are highly effective, and communicate regularly with one another to ensure MTSS implementation occurs at all levels.
All teams must embrace and use a data-based model for problem-solving and decision-making. Leadership is critical when selecting, utilizing and sustaining a problem-solving model. DuFour et al. (2004) encourages teams to ask three critical questions:
- Exactly what do we want our students to learn?
- How will we know when the student has acquired the essential knowledge and skills?
- What happens in our schools when a student does not learn?
Below are some guiding questions that teams may consider during the MTSS building or refining process. These questions are intended to drive team member dialogue, reflect on current practice and determine future action steps.
- What is the desired or intended future of NeMTSS in your district?
- What is the teaming structure(s) within your NeMTSS framework?
- Does team membership reflect representation of all necessary groups and include persons with decision-making authority?
- What are teams and individual team members responsible for within your NeMTSS framework?
- What is the plan for NeMTSS team meetings?
The following Shared Leadership items are included on the NeMTSS Self-Assessment:
- A representative district and building leadership team are identified.
- Staff have consensus and engage in NeMTSS implementation.
- Resources are identified and allocated to support NeMTSS implementation.
- An implementation plan is developed and aligned with the school improvement plan.
AQuESTT Alignment
AQuESTT Tenet: Educator Effectiveness
Educator effectiveness ensures that students are surrounded by effective educators throughout their learning experiences. Schools and districts develop effective teachers and leaders and establish a culture of success by focusing on the Nebraska Teacher and Principal Performance Framework, professional development, building leadership supports and effective local policymakers and superintendents.
Learn more about AQuESTT for Nebraska.
Related Resources
- NeMTSS Introductory PowerPoint
- Shared Leadership MTSS Roles
- Action Plan Tasks Resource
- Communication Worksheet
- Leadership Procedures for Teaming
- Meeting Agenda (example)
- Meeting Record (example)
- MTSS Leadership Indicators
- MTSS Implementation Calendar (template)
- MTSS Professional Learning Training (template)
- MTSS Coaching Support Documentation (template)
- MTSS Master Schedule (template)