Creating positive environments in which all youth can experience success.
Why is NPBIS Essential?
Students experience academic success when schools build CORE instructional practices and develop data-based interventions that are implemented uniformly by school staff members. By the same token, students experience social, emotional and behavioral success when schools use data to build inclusive and equitable CORE social, emotional and behavioral practices; develop prevention activities; and implement high-quality interventions to meet student needs.
When implemented with fidelity, NPBIS results in:
- Improved social-emotional competence.
- Improved academic outcomes.
- Improved perceptions of safety.
- Improved organizational efficiency.
- Reduction in office referrals.
- Reduction in bullying.
Bradshaw, et al., 2010; Bradshaw et al., 2012; Horner, et al., 2009; Ross, et al., 2012; Safran & Oswald, 2003; Waasdorp, 2012.
Who benefits from NPBIS?
When implemented with fidelity, students, parents, teachers, support staff members and administrators benefit from NPBIS.
Parents can be assured their child will have a positive experience at school where all their needs are met.
Parents also have a voice and provide input into behavior practices that impact their children.
Teachers provide input and help shape school behavior practices based on student needs.
Teachers experience a positive school climate, increased academic engagement in class, and more efficient and effective use of their time in meetings designed to address student needs.
Support staff members experience consistency, common language and communication regarding behavior practices.
Administrators experience increased time to support instruction, decreased time spent with office referrals, and shared responsibility for addressing the social, emotional and behavioral needs of all students on campus.
What is NPBIS?
NPBIS is the process through which schools establish a multi-tiered system to support and improve the social, emotional, and behavioral development of all students.
- Positive
- Preventive
- Proactive
- Student-centered
- Educator-focused
- Instructional
- Restorative
Schools use the Essential Elements of NeMTSS as they work to create a layered continuum of social, emotional, behavioral prevention and intervention for students.

Tier 1 | ALL
Tier 1 support is what adults do to meet the social, emotional and behavioral needs of all students. Together, school staff members and stakeholders use the NeMTSS Essential Elements to build inclusive, equitable universal (core) prevention, instruction, and response systems to be implemented by all adults school-wide and in the classroom.

Tier 2 | SOME
Tier 2 interventions are what adults do to meet the unmet needs of some students who require an additional layer of support. School staff members use data to determine unmet social, emotional or behavioral student needs; select appropriate interventions to address those needs; and establish the systems that allow for efficient and effective implementation of those interventions so students can experience success in the core.

Tier 3 | FEW
Tier 3 interventions are what adults do to meet the unmet needs of a few students who require an additional layer of intensive support. School staff members build the systems to support the development, implementation, and evaluation of highly individualized social, emotional or behavioral intervention plans.
Implementation and Support
Three-Five Year Process
- Exploration: Schools identify social-emotional-behavioral support as an area for growth. Schools attend an NPBIS overview meeting, determine if NPBIS is a “good fit” for their campus and garner staff/stakeholder commitment.
- Installation: Schools establish a representative team to lead the process, attend training and access coaching to install Tier 1 school-wide data, systems and practices. The school team includes an administrator, a facilitator/leader, teachers of general and special education, support staff members, parents, and if at the high school level, students.
- Initial Implementation: Schools implement, evaluate and adjust Tier 1 systems so they achieve 80% fidelity of implementation and 80+% of students respond to Tier 1 systems school-wide and in the classroom.
- Full Implementation: School teams attend training and access coaching to maintain Tier 1 and install Tier 2-3 data, systems and practices.
Implementation Support
NPBIS Leadership
Scott Eckman, State Personnel Development Grant Coordinator, Nebraska Department of Education scott.eckman@esu6.org
Contact Us
If you have questions, please contact your NPBIS regional contact.
Region 1: Susan Wiggins, NPBIS Coach swiggsk@yahoo.com
Region 2: Nancy Woodhams, NPBIS Coach nwoodhams@cox.net
Region 3: Mary Osterloh, NPBIS Coach mmosterloh@gmail.com
Region 4: Katie Barmettler, NPBIS Coach ktbarmettler@gmail.com
Region 5: Linda Clavel, NPBIS Coach randyandlinda2012@gmail.com