Systematic Instruction in Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, and Sight Words (SIPPS)
Specific Skills
- Phonics
- Phonological awareness
- Word recognition
Program Length
Varies based on program, ranges from 40-115 lessons
Program Description
"SIPPS® is a research-based foundational skills program proven to help both new and struggling readers in grades K–12, including English learners and students identified with dyslexia.The program’s systematic scope and sequence provides a structured-literacy approach to instruction through explicit routines focused on phonological awareness, spelling-sounds, and sight words.When used as a core/Tier I program, SIPPS supports the acquisition of grade-level, foundational skills standards.When used as Tier 2 and Tier 3, SIPPS accelerates progress so that students are able to efficiently close the gap and engage in grade-level reading.SIPPS aligns with the MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Support) framework and can be used across all three tiers of instruction."
Visit Program WebsiteCost
Primary Reading Specialist Package-$2,000. Intervention Package- $2,600. Multiple other packages starting at $500
More Pricing DetailsDemographics & Delivery
Intended Population
- Core
- Intervention
- Intensified intervention
- Elementary School
- Middle School
- High School
Intended Group Size
- Small group
- Partial
Multisensory Applications
- Yes
Computer-Based Delivery
- Partial
- Instructor Scripted
Program Specifics
Comprehensive or Skill Specific
- Skill Specific
Placement Tests
- Yes
Accelerated Learning
- No
Assessment to Monitor Skills Mastery
- Yes
Error Correction Built In
- Yes
Fidelity Measures Provided by Publisher
- Unspecified
Research & Evaluation
Research Summary
Two evaluations including two field tests and one quasi-experimental design was found. Both evaluations had moderate to promsing results for students who receive SIPPS instructions however, the field tests did not adequately discuss their procedures. While these results are promising, more reserach is necessary to determine if this intervention is effective.
Study Citations
Bondus, A. M. (2018). An evaluation of the use of SIPPS to improve early literacy outcomes of English language learners (Unpublished master's thesis). California State University.
Pressly, S. (2014). Differences in student reading scores using SIPPS reading program [Scholarly project].
SEG Measurement. (2022). Evaluating the effects of the SIPPS program.
Sheffelbine, J. (2006). Systematic instruction in phoneme awareness, phonics, and sight words. Oakland, CA: Developmental studies center.
Evidence Base (ESSA)
- Moderate
Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)
- Insufficient evidence