Reading A to Z
Specific Skills
- Comprehension
- Fluency
- General reading ability
Program Length
School Year
Program Description
"An online teaching product that delivers the resources and tools teachers need to improve the reading skills of every student at every reading level."
Visit Program WebsiteCost
$135.00 for a 1 year subscription.N
More Pricing DetailsDemographics & Delivery
Intended Population
- Any
- Elementary School
Intended Group Size
- Classroom
- Partial
Multisensory Applications
- Yes
Computer-Based Delivery
- Partial
- Instructor Scripted
Program Specifics
Comprehensive or Skill Specific
- Comprehensive
Placement Tests
- Yes
Accelerated Learning
- Yes
Assessment to Monitor Skills Mastery
- Yes
Error Correction Built In
- Yes
Fidelity Measures Provided by Publisher
- Unspecified
Research & Evaluation
Research Summary
Field tests from publisher of Reading A to Z indicated no effect sizes, but showed reading improvements on Achievement Tests and reading skills. One unpublished doctoral dissertation found that first grade students participating in the Reading A to Z program experienced higher DIBELS scores than their control counterparts. However, second and third grade students participating in the program did not have significantly different DIBELS scores than their control counterparts. No peer-research was found. Therefore, there is insufficient evidence to support the efficacy of this program at this time.
Study Citations
Bergman, C. P. (2015). Relationships between students participating in Reading A to Z and DIBELS scores (Order No. 3737242). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I. (1747438555).
Learning A-Z (2020). Case study: Arizona, Washington Elementary School District. Tucson, AZ: Author.
Evidence Base (ESSA)
- No studies met inclusion requirements
Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)
- Insufficient evidence