MAP Accelerator by Khan Academy
Specific Skills
- General Math Ability
Program Length
School year; 30+ minutes of student learning a week recommended
Program Description
"A personalized learning tool for grades 3-8, MAP Accelerator reduces the manual work of differentiating math instruction by automatically integrating class rosters, MAP® Growth™ scores, and Common Core-aligned Khan Academy content to generate learning pathways—complete with lessons, instructional videos, and practice problems."
Visit Program WebsiteCost
Must contact publisher for pricing
More Pricing DetailsDemographics & Delivery
Intended Population
- Intervention
- Elementary School
- Middle School
Intended Group Size
- Any
- Partial
Multisensory Applications
- Yes
Computer-Based Delivery
- Full
- Instructor Scripted
Program Specifics
Comprehensive or Skill Specific
- Comprehensive
Placement Tests
- No
Accelerated Learning
- Yes
Assessment to Monitor Skills Mastery
- Yes
Error Correction Built In
- Yes
Fidelity Measures Provided by Publisher
- Unspecified
Research & Evaluation
Research Summary
A literature review revealed a pilot study conducted in Idaho published by Khan Academy and the FSG Consulting firm that found positive correlations between usage of the Khan Academy program (predecessor to MAP Accelerator by Khan Academy) and academic progress. Specifically, there was a positive correlation between student's usage of the program and their MAP scores. Another study conducted by Khan Academy found that Students who used the platform as recommended (30+ min/wk) during the 2020-2021 school year had math growth scores 0.26 standard deviations higher on average than similar students who used the platform for <15 min/week. No peer-reviewed research or other evidence provided by the program publisher was found. Consequently, there is insufficient evidence to to support the efficacy of this program at this time.
Study Citations
Grimaldi, P., Weatherholtz, K., & Hill, K. M. (2022). Estimating the Causal Effects of Khan Academy MAP Accelerator across Demographic Subgroups. International Educational Data Mining Society.
Philips, D. & Cohen, J.(n.d.) The Khan Academy Report. Khan Academy. Retrieved from:
Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)
- Insufficient evidence