Target Bullying Intervention Program (TBIP)
Specific Skills
- Bullying prevention
- Decrease negative child behavior
- Increase positive child behavior
- Improve school climate
Program Length
One-time 1:1 intervention with the student (typically about 3 hours), and one follow-up meeting with school personnel and caregiver(s).
Program Description
The Target Bullying Involvement Program (T-BIP) is an individualized program provided by supervised trained specialists for students ages 7 to 18 years old who are involved in bullying whether that be solely through perpetration or both perpetration and victimization. The T-BIP is a one-on-one, three-hour cognitive-behavioral intervention tailored to specific student concerns. T-BIP Specialists help to uncover and address involvement in bullying as well as provide specific recommendations informed by assessments. Recommendations are aimed at stopping bullying involvement and restoring relationships.
Visit Program WebsiteCost
Free; training occasionally offered through developer
More Pricing DetailsDemographics & Delivery
Intended Population
- Intensified intervention
- Elementary School
- Middle School
- High School
Intended Group Size
- Individual
- Full
Multisensory Applications
- Yes
Computer-Based Delivery
- Partial
- None
Program Specifics
Comprehensive or Skill Specific
- Comprehensive
Placement Tests
- No
Accelerated Learning
- No
Assessment to Monitor Skills Mastery
- No
Error Correction Built In
- No
Fidelity Measures Provided by Publisher
- Unspecified
Research & Evaluation
Research Summary
A dissertation using a single-subject evaluation of the intervention did not find significant effects on anti-bullying attitudes or bullying behaviors.
Study Citations
Berry, B. (2015). A Single-Subject Evaluation of the Target Bullying Intervention Program. Public Access Theses, Dissertations, and Student Research from the College of Education and Human Sciences.
Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)
- Insufficient evidence