The 2023 Nebraska MTSS Summit featured engaging presentations and interactive breakout sessions around the theme of “Transformations Through Coherence.”
Earlier this year, NDE released an updated NeMTSS Framework and shared glossary to promote coherence within the department and across Educational Service Units, districts, schools and programs statewide.
- Aligning with the new framework, the summit focused on using a whole child approach in the process of implementing a multi-tiered system of support for continuous improvement and providing high-quality and evidence-based social, emotional, behavioral, environmental and academic support for all students.
- Presenters and workshops provided participants with opportunities to systematically promote inclusive practices and support staff in improving outcomes for students.
- The summit served as an introduction and expansion of work educators are starting or have already begun with NeMTSS workshops and implementation support.
Summit Schedule
All times listed are Central Daylight Time.
Thursday, Oct. 12
8:00-8:30 a.m. | Registration
Check in and receive your name badge before heading into the ballroom to mingle with educators from throughout Nebraska over coffee and breakfast pastries. The keynote will start promptly at 8:30 so please be in your seats by 8:20!
8:30-10:00 a.m. | Keynote
#MissionMonday: Take the Random Out of Random Acts of Kindness
Sam Stecher
Co-Founder and Educational Consultant, MissionMonday.com
Communication and Collaboration
Session Summary
Do you know what’s great about random acts of kindness? It’s the kindness part. What’s not so great? The random aspect. If kindness is so important and impactful, why are we eager to relegate it to a random occurrence? Let’s take the “random” out of random acts of kindness! This high-energy keynote will inspire participants to change the world, one intentional interaction at a time. Educators will learn steps to consider taking immediately when they return to school, along with examples of how to put them into practice.
10:15-11:15 a.m. | Breakout Session A
Select one presentation to attend.
Lending a Hand in SEL for Early Learning
Cheryl Couch
Director of Masters of Education, York University
Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, SEBL, Layered Continuum of Supports
Session Summary
Today, children are confused and conflicted by the world we live in. Participants in this session will have an opportunity to explore critical issues, engage with social-emotional learning (SEL) strategies and learn ways to improve classroom management skills. Discover strategies that can be applied immediately to offer children stability, meet SEL needs, and provide a safe place of well-being in the classroom as we engage with real-life scenarios and answer SEL questions.
Building Championship Teams
Megan Dufek
MTSS & PEaK Coordinator, ESU 8
Mindy Pritchett McBride
Boyd County Public Schools
Kristen Evans
Neligh-Oakdale Public Schools
Teaming Structures, Communication and Collaboration
Session Summary
The strength of MTSS comes from effectively engaging a variety of voices and perspectives to identify and support student needs. To do that, teams need to establish and protect time to meet throughout the school year. By practicing data-based decision-making at each level, teams can target areas of growth and capitalize on areas of strength to best support students and staff. This session will address the who, what, frequency, and focus of each team at the district, school, collaborative and student support team level. Participants will leave with resources and a better understanding of how shared leadership can help their district build a sustainable teaming structure.
Universal Design for Learning – Optimizing Teaching and Learning in the Classroom
Medea Henke
Learning Specialist, Norris Public Schools
Jane Hansmeyer
Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher, Norris High School
Secondary Education, SEBL, Layered Continuum of Supports
*Session not recorded.
Session Summary
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) focuses on improving and optimizing teaching and learning for all by setting clear, rigorous goals; anticipating barriers; and proactively designing to minimize those barriers for all students. UDL identifies what is learned and how it is learned, without adding more to a teacher’s plate. This session will help secondary teachers learn UDL strategies to use in their classrooms.
Implementing MTSS in High School Classrooms
Hank Bohanon
Professor, School of Education, Loyola University of Chicago
Secondary Education, CIP, Data-Based Decision-Making
Session Summary
Some educators may feel school-wide strategies, such as MTSS, are only effective in elementary school settings. This misperception is a barrier to effectively implementing MTSS in secondary schools. This session will provide participants with a rationale for how school-wide supports can help them work more efficiently, improve collaboration with their colleagues and offer an engaging instructional environment. The presenter also will connect MTSS with school improvement and strategies associated with effective secondary schools. Discover specific approaches school staff can use to create a positive, supportive and engaging learning environment for all students. After this session, participants will be able to identify specific components of MTSS related to school improvement and effective secondary schools; use data to identify strategies to improve instructional and behavioral support for all students; and embed MTSS strategies into related MTSS and school improvement efforts in secondary settings, including classroom settings.
School Spotlight: Strategic Considerations for MTSS Implementation in a K-12 System
Ainsworth Community Schools
MTSS Journey, Interventions, Data-Based Decision-Making, Layered Continuum of Supports
Session Summary
Implementation of a school-wide tiered intervention system should be a strategic, collaborative and comprehensive process, especially in a small district with limited time, expertise and resources. Follow the targeted, multi-year MTSS implementation process used by Ainsworth Community Schools, where they have built capacity, created a collaborative K-12 system, developed scheduling considerations and a culture of data-based decision-making to support students in meeting math, reading and social-emotional/PBIS learning objectives. The presenters will review considerations regarding comprehensive policies, prioritization for implementation, interventions and curriculum selection to support coordinated K-12 processes.
School Spotlight: HOPE (Having Only Positive Expectations): Closing the Achievement Gap and Opening Opportunities
Nelson Mandela Elementary School
Data-Based Decision-Making, MTSS Journey, SEBL
Session Summary
Nelson Mandela Elementary School has achieved remarkable success with its student body, where 97% of students are on free and reduced lunch plans and more than 88% of students are proficient in math and reading by the end of fourth grade. This success can be attributed to effective implementation of several strategies: parent engagement, vocabulary development, enrichment activities, restorative practices, data-driven academic decision-making, no suspensions or expulsions, and daily SEL and mindfulness activities. In this session, participants will leave with examples of how to raise achievement and lower time out of class due to behavior, including mindfulness practices and tips for how to execute an effective class meeting with SEL goals and objectives. The presenters will share their school’s unique schedule that promotes vocabulary development, community engagement and parental involvement.
Data, Data Everywhere: The Power of Collaborative Partnerships and Visualizations
ESU 3 Panel
Data-Based Decision-Making, CIP
Session Summary
Panelists include: Dr. Scott Blum, Assistant Administrator; Bill Pulte, Chief Information Office; McKayla LaBorde, Executive Director of Student Services; and Dr. Cecilia Wilken, Educational Consultant.
Feeling surrounded by data? Every system has its own unique needs and contexts and brings with it a new set of data, as well as new challenges for how to incorporate it into improvement processes, change processes and decision-making. This session will look at how two school districts partnered with ESU 3 and used their unique needs and contexts, current data and free online tools to enhance their data systems. By using Google Looker, formerly Google Data Studio, this partnership has been able to generate continuously updated data visualizations that are used by principals and CIP/MTSS teams. In addition to the partnerships created by the districts and ESU 3, participants will see how departments within ESU 3 have collaborated to build this product and continuously evaluate it for enhancements.
Creating a Culture of Learning and Trust through Restorative Practices
LaRaesha Kugel
MTSS Facilitator and Instructional Coach, ESU 9
SEBL, Layered Continuum of Supports
Session Summary
Restorative practices allow participants to feel safe and valued in their community. When restorative practices are implemented in the classroom, the impacts can be tremendous. LaRaesha Kugel has implemented these practices firsthand as a classroom teacher and will walk through what restorative practices are, why they are important, and how to use them in classrooms and buildings to foster healthy relationships and positive communication.
MTSS and Twice-Exceptionality: Identifying and Supporting Students Who Are High-Ability Learners and Have a Disability
Sheyanne Smith
High Ability Learning Specialist, Nebraska Department of Education
HAL, Data-Based Decision-Making, Layered Continuum of Supports
Session Summary
A student with twice-exceptionality, known as 2E, is defined as being a high-ability learner (HAL) who meets state or federal qualification for a disability. In Nebraska, only 2% of students in special education are also identified as HALs. 2E students are often hard to identify because of the masking effect — where their high ability may mask a disability or their disability may mask high ability. The NeMTSS Framework is designed to build capacity, use data to make decisions and provide early intervention. Using the lens of twice-exceptionality through MTSS, we can begin to identify and provide appropriate supports for this unique student population.
Working the Wisdom Within Your Building
Heather Robbins
NeMTSS Systems Consultant
Scott Eckman
State Personnel Development Grant Coordinator, Nebraska Department of Education
Infrastructure and Shared Leadership, Communication and Collaboration
Session Summary
The behavioral expertise we need can often be found within our own building. Every school in Nebraska has expert educators within their walls. Each school has staff members with amazing abilities: transitioning between activities in class, communicating with parents, developing engagement strategies, creating efficient classroom design, implementing successful reinforcement systems and more. Despite these strengths within our building, we often seek expertise from outside sources. As we strengthen our system and align activities to promote student success, we can “work the wisdom within” and showcase the exceptional behavioral knowledge, skills and abilities of our educators through brief professional learning activities. Participants will leave this session with multiple 10-15 minute activities to conduct during staff meetings, PLCs, team meetings, or other times that will allow staff members to share their strengths and expertise.
11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. | Team Networking Lunch
1:15-2:15 p.m. | Breakout Session B
Select one presentation to attend.
Science of Reading: Tying It All Together
Cheryl Couch
Director of Masters of Education, York University
Literacy, K12 Education, Early Childhood Education, Layered Continuum of Supports
Session Summary
This session will provide an introduction to the science of reading for pre-K through grade 12 learners. Participants will explore the six essential elements of reading instruction — phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension and writing — and look at effective instructional practices that support literacy development across ages. Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of the science of reading, including the essential elements of reading instruction, instructional strategies used with the approach and how the brain responds to reading.
How Family and Community Engagement Supports NeMTSS
Brian Welch
Afterschool, Family and Community Engagement Specialist, Nebraska Department of Education
Mariella Resendiz Alvarez
Director of School Mental Health, Nebraska Department of Education
Communication and Collaboration
Session Summary
The newly published Nebraska School, Family, and Community Engagement Framework naturally supports MTSS in Nebraska. In this session, participants will discuss the six focus areas of the framework and how they can directly tie into NeMTSS to support the learning, earning and living of all students. The six focus areas of the framework are: Active Family Engagement, Safe and Welcoming Schools, Student Attendance, Community Partnerships and Support Services, Business and Industry Partnerships, Before-school, Afterschool and Summer Programs. Each focus area includes research, resources, practices, and examples schools can use to engage families and community partners.
Partnerships for Inclusion
Blair Hartman
Transition Coordinator/Central Region Transition Facilitator, Nebraska Department of Education
Sydney Kobza
Assistant Administrator of Career and Technical Education, Nebraska Department of Education
Kris Kampovitz
NeMTSS Regional Support Lead, Region 4
Communication and Collaboration, Transition Education, Layered Continuum of Supports
*Session not recorded.
Session Summary
Join this session to learn how NeMTSS and the Nebraska Department of Education are working together to promote strategies of inclusion to best meet the needs of all students, particularly strategies that support transition education and career and technical education (CTE). Transition education, provided through the Office of Special Education and Career and Technical Education and public schools throughout Nebraska, aims to support students in reaching their post-secondary education goals. Presenters will highlight the successful CTE Without Limits project, and share resources, including the Project Discovery kits and Achieve Life Skills binders.
Keeping Silos But Baking Better Bread: Integrating MTSS Efforts to Transform Practices
Hank Bohanon
Professor, School of Education, Loyola University of Chicago
CIP, MTSS Journey
Session Summary
Multi-tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) can be challenging to implement under most conditions. Applying MTSS becomes even more difficult when schools implement multiple initiatives simultaneously (e.g., behavior, academics). Rather than tear down siloed approaches, schools can focus on a recipe (i.e., school improvement plans) that pulls divergent resources into one coherent approach. This presentation is designed to help school communities think through steps for integrating and aligning their support efforts in schools, and to help teams focus their approach to school improvement. Special attention will be paid to aligning practices to mission and vision, and connecting professional roles to improvement efforts, with an end goal of a single unified multi-tiered system of support, rather than multiple disconnected tiered support systems. As a result of this session, participants will be able to identify their strengths and needs related to MTSS implementation and school improvement, gain strategies for integrating MTSS and school improvement and develop strategies for systematically implementing interventions in their settings.
School Spotlight: Data, CICO and the System…Oh My!
Norris Intermediate School
Data-Based Decision-Making, PBIS, MTSS Journey, Layered Continuum of Supports
Session Summary
Norris Intermediate has created a system to identify students who need just a little bit more, track student progress within a few seconds, determine whether students need to layer up or layer down, and best of all, has teacher AND student buy in. The Check-In/Check-Out (CICO) program has been Norris Intermediate’s saving grace and has benefitted more than 100 students. How did Norris Intermediate achieve this and what does its system look like? Join this hour of fun and learning that will showcase the school’s Google spreadsheet, continuum of supports, daily data sheet and overall MTSS journey. Participants will leave with a better understanding of the CICO program through real-life examples of how the school operates each day.
Student Behavior: Approaches That Won’t Fuel the Fire
Dani Potter
Special Education Coordinator, ESU 4
Lori Broady
Teaching and Learning Specialist, ESU 4
Data-Based Decision-Making, SEBL, Trauma-Informed Care
Session Summary
While the term “ACEs” — Adverse Childhood Experiences — may be familiar to professionals in special education and psychology, the challenges that accompany student’s high ACE scores often fall on general education teachers, administrators and support staff. Unfortunately, not everyone has the tools needed to effectively support students grappling with social, emotional or behavioral issues that stem from trauma. This session will examine the importance of considering ACE scores for students who struggle and will provide insight into how those students can best be supported in all environments.
EUREKA! Discovering Your Data Treasure Trove in Teaching Strategies GOLD
Amy Colwell
NeMTSS Early Childhood Facilitator, Region 1
Michele Rayburn
Director of Student Services, ESU 6
Heidi Farmer
NeMTSS Regional Support Lead, Region 1
Kristina Norwood
NeMTSS Early Childhood Implementation Facilitator, Region 2
Data-Based Decision-Making, Early Childhood Education
Session Summary
Prevention is better than intervention. Teaching Strategies GOLD data offers a wealth of information about developmental progress in early childhood. This session will share tips for demystifying GOLD data and how to use it to inform planning and goal setting and to support transitions from preschool to kindergarten.
Psychological Safety for Highly-Effective Teams is the Key to Success
Sara Skretta
Senior Director of Accreditation, Placement and Licensure, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
SEBL, Trauma-Informed Care
Session Summary
Psychological safety is a key element of successful teams and a critical driver of high-quality decision-making. A strong team provides a positive, cohesive place where diverse ideas can be respectfully shared but also challenged. As educators deal with post-pandemic workplace environments, student challenges and a divisive political climate, it can be difficult to build a true sense of community, collaboration and connectedness within a team. This session will highlight five strategies to promote psychological safety that can be implemented right now. Participants will leave with a better understanding of what psychological safety in the workplace is and its importance to the success of highly-effective teams and practical strategies to establish psychological safety in teams and promote personal growth and development.
School Spotlight: Building a System of Support for Mental Health
Papillion La Vista Community Schools
SEBL, Mental Health, Layered Continuum of Supports
Session Summary
The session will focus on how Papillion La Vista Community Schools (PLCS) engaged in a self-assessment, prioritized goals and created action steps to address mental health supports needed by students. Join this session to learn how PLCS leadership created an effective system of support, alongside counselors, school psychologists, behavior coaches and social workers.
School Spotlight: Grandview Elementary: A PBIS Success Story!
Alliance Public Schools
PBIS, MTSS Journey
Session Summary
Participants will be motivated by this presentation that will focus on the successful implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) at Grandview Elementary. Participants will gain a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of PBIS and see an accurate representation of a Nebraska based, real-world application of PBIS practices to support students’ mental health and behavioral, academic, social and emotional needs.
2:30-3:30 p.m. | Breakout Session C
Select one presentation to attend.
The Science of Reading is More Than a Curriculum — It Is a System!
Brent Conway
Assistant Superintendent, Pentucket Regional Schools, Massachusetts
Literacy, Layered Continuum of Supports
Session Summary
While many districts seek solutions to their lagging literacy outcomes for students with curriculum adoptions or science of reading training — the real solution is in the systems that ensure those two components are effective and efficient. The systems component of a multi-tiered literacy program based on the science of reading uses assessments, data analysis, schedules and personnel management to reach all students. In this session, participants will learn how the systems pull all the components together for a powerful literacy program with continuous annual student growth and targeted “catch up” growth for those who have gaps.
Creating Partnerships to Address Mental Health, SEBL and Systems Development
Jen Pollock
School Mental Health Services Program Coordinator, ESU 3
SEBL, Communication and Collaboration
Session Summary
In this session, participants will learn about ESU 3’s implementation of systems of care tenants within an MTSS framework. In this work, principles of Systems of Care are brought to the schools, with an emphasis on integrated systems, youth and family partnerships, cultural and linguistic responsiveness and recognizing schools as hubs of the community. We achieve this by embedding licensed mental health professionals within the schools/districts and coordinating system development and enhancement through ESU 3. Integration within the MTSS framework includes establishing a single point of access, promoting early identification of mental health signs and symptoms, fostering parent peer mentorship and strengthening infrastructure. Through these efforts, educators can implement and explore innovative practices to improve access to high-quality mental health services.
MTSS and IEP Teams: Wearing the Get Along Shirt
Michalla Schartz
Southeast Region Transition Facilitator
Heidi Farmer
NeMTSS Regional Support Lead, Region 1
Secondary Education, Transition Services
Session Summary
Effective communication and collaboration between MTSS and special education directly impacts the learning, earning and living for youth with disabilities in Nebraska. Collaboration between MTSS and special education partners can improve post-school outcomes for employment, education and independent living for transition-age youth. This session will explain how building fundamental transition experiences and connected relationships between students, families and IEP teams can increase the likelihood that students will become meaningfully engaged in their communities and reach their post-secondary goals. Regional transition specialists will share post-school outcome data and why teams accomplish more when there are learning community collaborations connected to supporting the social, emotional, behavioral and academic needs of each student. Learner outcomes include shared information on transition requirements and procedures, and understanding the benefits of strong partnerships among MTSS and special education/transition specialists.
School Spotlight: Small School Journey from Struggles to Success
Sterling Public Schools
Data-Based Decision-Making, K12 Education, NeMTSS Journey
Session Summary
At Sterling Public Schools, which educates all students in one building, the MTSS team has found success using consistent coordination meetings, along with EduClimber and data-informed decision rules, to determine students’ needs. This session will look at the MTSS implementation process Sterling has used over multiple years for pre-K through grade 12 students, including successes and struggles along the way.
A Tiered Approach to Addressing Chronic Absenteeism
Brooke Gebers
NeMTSS Regional Support Lead, Region 3
Shirley Vargas
Administrator, Office of Coordinated School and District Support, Nebraska Department of Education
Data-Based Decision-Making, Communication and Collaboration, Layered Continuum of Supports
Session Summary
Chronic absenteeism is a growing concern in schools across the country. Many educators are grappling with how to address and prevent this challenge using a systemic approach. In this session, participants will recognize the role the NeMTSS essential elements play in identification, prevention and intervention of chronic absenteeism. There will be opportunities to analyze data, draw connections between chronic absenteeism and Tier 1 Core instruction, and recognize the importance of family and community engagement.
Tools for Fostering Educators’ Compassion Resilience
Jessie Coffey
Director, Whole Child Program, Nebraska Department of Education
Session Summary
Compassion resilience is the ability to maintain physical, emotional and mental well-being while responding compassionately to others.This session will examine educators’ capacity to serve students and communities based on personal experiences, organizational supports and societal context. Resources will highlight trauma-informed perspectives that add value in understanding where each individual is starting on their path to compassion resilience. This trauma-informed lens also deepens our understanding of supports that can fuel the energy of a diverse staff and student base with limited resources. Participants will leave with tools to support compassion resilience in their buildings.
CTE Without Limits: NeMTSS
Sydney Kobza
Assistant Administrator, Office of Career and Technical Education, Nebraska Department of Education
Career and Technical Education, Secondary Education, Layered Continuum of Supports
Session Summary
The Nebraska Department of Education’s Offices of Career and Technical Education (CTE), Vocational Rehabilitation and Special Education are working together to coordinate and provide support to all students focused on the vision that “each learner skillfully navigates their own career journey.” This collaboration includes offering integrated pre-K-20W advisement systems, providing transparent and accessible cross-state data on CTE options and outcomes, and investing in resources to support integrated advisement systems. The Nebraska CTE team is working to align with the NeMTSS Framework and support CTE educators across the state with best practices. Join this session to learn about the CTE Without Limits project and ways the Nebraska CTE team is aligning to the work.
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Services
Lindsey Ondrak
Outreach and Training Specialist, Nebraska Resource Project for Vulnerable Young Children
Early Childhood Education, SEBL, Trauma-Informed Care, Layered Continuum of Supports
Session Summary
The first few years of life form the foundation of mental health — and are the optimum time for intervention. This session, led by a trauma-informed mental health therapist, will focus on identifying symptoms of traumatic stress in early childhood. Participants will learn about evidence-based treatments, Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) and Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), and how these interventions can benefit children’s overall mental health and development. When children are identified as needing more intensified services, these clinical interventions can support their overall success and help them reach their goals.
Digital Wise Parenting to Create Digital Fitness in Schools and Homes
Jay Martin
School Safety and Security Director, Nebraska Department of Education
Technology in Education, Communication and Collaboration
Session Summary
When devices are a big part of children’s lives, what should adults be aware of to ensure responsible digital usage? The core of many social, emotional and behavioral issues seen in schools originates from digital platforms, apps and media. Exposure to digital nuances has a profound impact on all of us, affecting our behavior, mental state and emotional well-being. Developing digital wisdom will make adults more mindful of best practices to assist students with digital citizenship, literacy, privacy and navigation within the virtual world, allowing them to be safer and more secure in the real world. Digital parent academies are needed in communities to keep adults informed of the latest digital influences and best practices to use with their children. Discussion will highlight platform pressures, synthetic media, emotional exploitation, digital fitness and more.
School Spotlight: Intervention and Enrichment Systems — When, How and What We Do
Superior Public Schools
Data-Based Decision-Making, Layered Continuum of Supports, Interventions
Session Summary
Superior Elementary has provided interventions to students through systematic and structured approaches for more than 20 years. Now, it is simply what they do — but it hasn’t always been that way. Growing pains, scheduling changes, staffing adjustments, new research and improved practices have all contributed to its evolution over the years. Today, Superior provides both intervention and enrichment (I&E) learning opportunities for reading and math. This presentation will provide educators and administrators with ideas and examples they can implement in their schools. Participants will learn when to provide these supports within a daily schedule, how those decisions are made based on MAP, Acadience and classroom performance data, and what students do during I&E, WIN and small group times. Who is responsible for providing these supports? All of us! Discover how administrators, classroom teachers, special education teachers, paras and other specialists work together to implement intervention and enrichment systems for all students who are performing below, on and above grade level.
3:45-4:45 p.m. | Breakout Session D
Coherence in Elementary Literacy
Mary Jo McElhose
NeMTSS Systems Consultant, Nebraska Department of Education
Becky Michael
ELA Content Specialist, Nebraska Department of Education
Olivia Alberts
Reading Content Specialist, Nebraska Department of Education
Elementary Education, Science of Reading
Session Summary
In this session, presenters will explore the importance of consistent instructional routines in early literacy that align with Nebraska’s Standards for English Language Arts, the High-Quality Instructional Materials initiative, essential elements of NeMTSS, and the Science of Reading teaching practices. Participants will learn about and work with a new guidance document developed through a collaborative effort between NeMTSS and NDE. This document describes multiple ways to support early literacy learning in classrooms, schools and districts, including evidence-based, foundational skills and comprehension.
Kink the Firehose: Maximizing NeMTSS Through Systems Leadership
Tessa Fraass
NeMTSS Regional Support Lead, Region 5
Ryan Ricenbaw
Director of Statewide Teacher and Principal Support, Nebraska Department of Education
Julie Downing
Professional Learning Coordinator, ESU 13; Educator Effectiveness Specialist, Nebraska Department of Education
Communication and Collaboration, Infrastructure and Shared Leadership
Session Summary
School leaders often find themselves overwhelmed by the complex nature of the school system as a whole. This complexity can become unmanageable without proper support and a deep understanding of the organization as an interconnected system. Embracing a systems approach to leadership is not only key to maximizing one’s own leadership capacity, but is also vital for enhancing the overall effectiveness of NeMTSS. Join us in this session to cultivate a systems perspective, recognizing that shared leadership across all educator roles is essential for intentional and successful collaboration. This comprehensive approach helps to align purpose, clarify roles and foster a collective commitment to achieving common goals.
Building Intentional and Meaningful Relationships Through Mentoring
Christopher McCroy
Associate Director of Training & Program Development, Mentor Nebraska
DérNecia Phillips
Educational Consultant, Mentor Nebraska
Communication and Collaboration
Session Summary
Imagine a world where every young person had someone in their lives who appreciated them, honored their identity, and cared for their success. This session will explore ways in which educators, administrators, and school program staff can create that world through quality mentoring and the intentional creation of mentor-rich environments. Mentoring relationships nurture understanding and ignite self-discovery, inspiring young people to pursue their passions and thrive during and after school. Participants in this session will gain an understanding of how creating these intentional and meaningful relationships can amplify equity and empower students by providing them with greater self-confidence and an expanded sense of future possibilities.
Walk the Talk: Connecting SEBL to Well-Being
NeMTSS SEBL Specialists
SEBL, Communication and Collaboration
Session Summary
Presenters include: Emily Arkfeld, Region 2; Chandra Essex, Region 4; Sara Gentry, Region 5; Jill Guenther, Region 3 and Mackenzie Riedel, Region 1.
Join the NeMTSS Social, Emotional and Behavioral Learning (SEBL) specialists in this breakout session focused on SEBL skill building for students and staff. Learn about different ways to incorporate SEBL and mental well-being into your school climate through some hands-on, interactive activities that you can begin using immediately.
5:00-6:00 p.m. | Networking Opportunity
Networking Opportunity (Optional)
Session Summary
Come network with educators from around Nebraska. Meet with NeMTSS team members and find out more about their roles throughout the state, have a chance to talk to others in your role in different ESUs and districts, or have a spot to meet up with your team after breakouts are over for the day. There will be appetizers, a cash bar, and prizes to win! (Separate registration required).