This summer and fall, NeMTSS Regional Support Leads and staff from the Nebraska Department of Education’s Office of Accountability, Accreditation, and Program Approval will again offer in-person workshops on continuous improvement throughout Nebraska’s ESU network.
District and leadership teams are invited to join members of the host ESU, the Accreditation Office and NeMTSS for a day of interactive learning. Teams will receive guided practice on updated materials from Nebraska Continuous Improvement and learn about the corresponding NeMTSS essential elements to increase efficiency and clarity surrounding action planning. Team time will be embedded throughout the sessions and participants will receive support regardless of the CIP cycle year.
Visit your ESU’s event page to register for the individual workshops listed below.
Workshop dates
The 2023 workshop dates, listed by ESU, are as follows:
ESU 1: Sept. 19
ESU 2: Oct. 4
ESU 3: Oct. 5
ESU 4: Oct. 3
ESU 5: Sept. 27
ESU 6: Sept. 21
ESU 7: Sept. 6 (Year 5) and Oct. 3 (Year 1-4)
ESU 8: Sept. 7
ESU 9: Sept. 20
ESU 10: July 18
ESU 11: Oct. 24
ESU 13: Sept. 20
ESU 16: Oct. 18
ESU 17: July 19
What to expect
Participating in a workshop will help your team will learn to:
- Identify Rule 10 requirements.
- Demonstrate an understanding of continuous improvement.
- Apply multi-faceted resources.
- Examine impacts using the CIP template and action planning.
- Assemble any needed external visit responsibilities.
- Evaluate input and outputs on a continual basis.
Need help?
For more information about Nebraska Continuous Improvement updates, read about the most recent CIP template. If you need further support or have questions, please reach out to your NeMTSS Regional Support Lead. Their contact information, along with a regional map, can be found on the NeMTSS team page.

Word cloud with Nebraska educators’ responses to the term continuous improvement.