School-Connect 4.0
Specific Skills
- College and career readiness
- Critical thinking
- Emotional awareness
- Social skills
- Improve school climate
Program Length
School-Connect is intended to be implemented in 40 minute lessons two to five days a week over the school year.
Program Description
"School-Connect is a leading provider of high school social emotional learning (SEL) curriculum. Our 80-lesson multimedia curriculum is designed to improve high school students’ social, emotional, and academic skills and strengthen relationships among students and between students and teachers."
Visit Program WebsiteCost
Kit pricing based on student enrollment or educator licenses per school
More Pricing DetailsDemographics & Delivery
Intended Population
- Core
- Middle School
- High School
Intended Group Size
- Classroom
- School
- Partial
Multisensory Applications
- Yes
Computer-Based Delivery
- Partial
- Instructor Scripted
Program Specifics
Comprehensive or Skill Specific
- Comprehensive
Placement Tests
- Unspecified
Accelerated Learning
- No
Assessment to Monitor Skills Mastery
- Yes
Error Correction Built In
- Unspecified
Fidelity Measures Provided by Publisher
- Yes
Research & Evaluation
Research Summary
A literature review revealed two studies examining the impact of School-Connect on secondary student outcomes. Overall, the studies found that compared to control group participants, School-Connect students had significantly fewer discipline referrals for class disruption, higher math grades, and higher average core subject pass rates. School-Connect implementing schools also reported improvement in school climate. However, due to the methodology used in these studies, there is insufficient evidence to support the efficacy of this program at this time.
Study Citations
Corrigan, M. W., Gove, D., & Douglass, J. (2014). A quasi-experimental study on the efficacy of School-Connect®: optimizing the high school experience.
Hutson, A., Bleland, K., & Douglass, J. (2016). School-Connect intervention impact on high school students’ discipline referrals and academic outcomes. Austin, TX: Agile Analytics, Lamb Publication, 15..
Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)
- Insufficient evidence