2023 SEBL Coffee Connect 16 | SEBL at Home

Description: SEBL Coffee Connect is a virtual event series hosted by NeMTSS that aims to build collaboration and community among educators and others implementing social, emotional and behavioral learning (SEBL) in Nebraska schools. In this session, SEBL Specialists from the Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools (CYFS) SEBL at home. Author:…

2023 SEBL Coffee Connect 14 | Layering SEBL Supports

Description: SEBL Coffee Connect is a virtual event series hosted by NeMTSS that aims to build collaboration and community among educators and others implementing social, emotional and behavioral learning (SEBL) in Nebraska schools. In this session, SEBL Specialists from the Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools (CYFS) discuss layering SEBL supports.…

2023 SEBL Coffee Connect 12: Ringing in 2023 with Positive Practices

Description: SEBL Coffee Connect is a virtual event series hosted by NeMTSS that aims to build collaboration and community among educators and others implementing social, emotional and behavioral learning (SEBL) in Nebraska schools. In this session, SEBL Specialists from the Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools (CYFS) discuss positive practices. Author:…

2022 SEBL Coffee Connect 11: Student Voice

Description: SEBL Coffee Connect is a virtual event series hosted by NeMTSS that aims to build collaboration and community among educators and others implementing social, emotional and behavioral learning (SEBL) in Nebraska schools. In this session, SEBL Specialists from the Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools (CYFS) discuss SEBL as it…

2022 SEBL Coffee Connect 10: SEBL for Everyone

Description: SEBL Coffee Connect is a virtual event series hosted by NeMTSS that aims to build collaboration and community among educators and others implementing social, emotional and behavioral learning (SEBL) in Nebraska schools. In this session, SEBL Specialists from the Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools (CYFS) discuss why SEBL is…

SEBL Supplemental Trainings | Supporting Student Attendance: Connect Today, Excel Tomorrow

Description: Schools continue to face challenges with improving student attendance. Poor attendance has adverse effects on students’ social, emotional, behavioral, mental and academic well-being. In this session, we will discuss how schools can support students by connecting today, so they can excel tomorrow. In this SEBL Supplemental Training, we explore why attendance matters, barriers to…