Summit Participant Page
Thank you for participating in the 2022 Nebraska MTSS Summit focused on “Creating Coherence.” For those participating virtually, Zoom links can be accessed next to each session.
Video recordings from the live summit presentations will be available for registrants to view on demand later this fall, as well as presentation slides, handouts and other resources.
If you have questions, please contact us.
Summit Schedule
All times listed are Central Daylight Time.
Friday, Oct. 14
The presentations and slides are intended for registrants only. Do not copy, reproduce or distribute the following materials. For further questions on materials, please contact the presenter directly.
8:00-8:30 a.m. | Special Presentation
Coherence Project Overview
Nebraska Department of Education Panel
Session Summary
Panelists include: Marissa Payzant, assistant administrator, Office of Teaching, Learning & Assessment and director of Content Area Standards; Amy Rhone, Office of Special Education administrator/state director; Zainab Rida, equity officer; and Shirley Vargas, school improvement officer.
This video introduces the Coherence Project, a collaborative effort between offices within the Nebraska Department of Education and the Nebraska MTSS team. It includes an overview of the Coherence Project, including background on the meaning of coherence, why the project was initiated, its purpose, and how it will help NDE better support all school districts in Nebraska.
8:30-11:00 a.m. | Keynote & Workshop
Creating Coherence Through the Implementation of an MTSS Framework
George M. Batsche, Ed.D.
Professor of School Psychology and Director Emeritus of the Institute for School Reform, University of South Florida in Tampa
Judy Elliott, Ph.D.
Chief Executive Officer, EduLead, LLC
Shared Leadership; Communication, Collaboration and Partnerships
Session Summary
Coherence is defined as, “a situation in which the parts of something fit together in a natural or reasonable way” (Wikipedia, 2022). One measure of coherence is the degree to which a group of professionals has attained a common language and understanding of both the focus of the work and the way of work. Research has identified the degree to which each of the essential elements of MTSS impact student growth. It is the coherent implementation of the framework — not just individual elements — that determines the impact of schooling on students.
This keynote and workshop session will focus on how the essential elements of the MTSS framework must be integrated to achieve coherence, efficiency and effectiveness that results in improved outcomes for all students. Participants, whether in teams or as individuals, will have the opportunity to interact, assess and share their district’s level of “coherence” in the implementation of their MTSS framework.
11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m. | School Spotlights
Select one presentation to attend.
Speed Bumps, Roadblocks and Detours: A Road Map to Our MTSS Journey
Elkhorn Valley Schools
Session Summary
After four years of implementation without a clear direction, Elkhorn Valley Schools (EVS) was able to regain clarity by zooming out from the small details around decision rules and interventions to see the big picture again. By creating a balanced assessment plan and taking stock of current evidence-based practices, both curriculum and instructional methods, EVS was able to see what it needed to focus on: Shared leadership, SEBL, collaborative planning time, effective meetings and communication with staff and building staff capacity. In this school spotlight, participants will learn how EVS was able to regain its focus and get back to action planning and strengthening the core. Presenters will also share about future work integrating Title I, TIP and continuous improvement plans to align and integrate efforts by reducing redundancy.
How to Use Your Data to Guide Your School and Individual Plans
McCook Elementary School
Session Summary
In this school spotlight, McCook Elementary School presenters will discuss the importance of data collection and how to use data to guide decisions that benefit not only schoolwide goals, but also individual student goals. Topics will include how to dive into behavior reports in School-wide Information Systems (SWIS) and the best ways to share this information with your school.
Spurring Up Success at SPS
Sutton Public Schools
Session Summary
In this school spotlight, the Sutton Elementary School MTSS team will highlight its work to develop an MTSS Framework. During the 2021-22 school year, the team spent extensive time focusing on the NeMTSS Essential Elements and how the framework guides individualized support systems for students. The team concentrated efforts on improving its teacher checklist and adapting the previous SAT referral process to become a fluid MTSS process — outlining where they began, what they created and how they foresee the MTSS process in the future. This presentation will be a great model for how smaller districts can implement strong MTSS practices.
SILVER 8 & 9
Structured Systems
Wahoo Public Schools
Session Summary
MTSS helps ensure students and staff are provided the support they need to find academic and social-emotional success. A structured system aids in the decision-making process, protects time to engage in these discussions and uses data tools to help ensure students are provided with necessary support. Presenters from Wahoo Public Schools will walk participants through their MTSS journey and discuss the current systems they have in place, as well as those under development, to meet the needs of the school community.
SILVER 2 & 3
Upgrading from Free Salsa to Guac: Our MTSS Journey
Wakefield Community Schools
Session Summary
Wakefield Community Schools is a small, rural pre-K to grade 12 district with approximately 550 students and growing. What makes Wakefield unique is its student population, which is 59% Hispanic or Latino students. Wakefield has found that MTSS provides the framework and supports needed to ensure success for all students in its diverse community. Wakefield’s MTSS journey began with a reflection of its Cognia Exit Report, which helped identify areas to change and improve. The NeMTSS Essential Elements created an avenue to make systemic changes. In this school spotlight, participants will hear the story of how Wakfield upgraded from free salsa to guac during its year of exploring and beginning MTSS implementation.
Westside Early Childhood Centers’ Pyramid Journey
Westside Early Childhood Centers
Session Summary
Westside Early Childhood Centers began its Pyramid Model journey in the fall of 2014 after being accepted into the Nebraska Department of Education’s second Pyramid cohort. Through this process, Westside has developed a sustainable model for implementing Pyramid practices that have had positive impacts on children, families, teachers and the school community. There have been noticeable shifts within Westside’s organization, and in this school spotlight session, participants will learn about its successes, challenges and future next steps.
Constructing Coherence in Multiple Secondary Grade Levels
Valentine Community Schools
Session Summary
In this school spotlight, the Valentine Community Schools Secondary MTSS Leadership Team will share where it began, where it is now and where it is headed after starting from ground zero with MTSS Implementation during the 2021-22 school year. Participants will learn how Valentine Community Schools has progressed and hear how having honest conversations influenced decision-making. This presentation should connect with any secondary team in the process of developing MTSS or looking to begin the process.
Connecting the Dots: Bridging MTSS Implementation of Intervention Supports Into the Secondary Level at Westside Middle School
Westside Community Schools
Session Summary
From isolated attempts to a coordinated system, presenters from Westside Middle School will share the path they have taken to introduce and expand MTSS at the secondary level. Participants will learn how the team connected the dots within the intervention supports across tiers, as well as between elementary and high school levels. Specific examples of interventions, progress monitoring, team structures and early warning system indicators will be shared.