SEBL Coffee Connect in spring 2023

The NeMTSS team is excited to continue SEBL Coffee Connect in spring 2023. This virtual event series aims to build collaboration, community, and capacity among educators and others implementing social, emotional and behavioral learning (SEBL) in Nebraska schools. These conversations are free and open to all Nebraska educators and those working to support SEBL across the state. Registration is required.

Join the HAL/NeMTSS pilot project

Apply now to join the HAL/NeMTSS Pilot Project   The Nebraska Department of Education’s Office of Teaching, Learning and Assessment is gearing up to conduct research on the effectiveness of Nebraska’s Multi-tiered System of Support among high ability learners (HAL) — and we invite you to participate! The team is currently looking for Nebraska schools…

Psychologist talking to parents on couch

NeMTSS recognizes school psychology

National School Psychology Week is Nov. 8-12   National School Psychology Week is an opportunity to highlight the important role school psychologists play in helping students thrive, as well as how their work contributes to successful multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS). “Though the work of school psychologists has always been important, the increasing mental health…